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Free Submissions Disabled until January 2024: The directory is receiving 1200+ free submissions a day and the review queue inflated to 300,000+ pending listings. It's no longer possible to manage this queue and as a result free submissions are disabled until this number goes down a lot.

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What is prop money? Prop money is fake currency that looks and feels like real money on camera. Our realistic prop money stacks are made for filmmakers, artists, and project coordinators as a replacement for real cash in movies, music videos, events, and more. We offer a variety of full print, blank fillers, and custom designs. What is prop money used for? Prop money can be used for a wide variety of productions, advertisement campaigns, and live or virtual events including but not limited to movies, film, music videos, business advertising, commercials, conferences, birthday parties, concerts, musicians, DJs, novelty gifts, and training purposes.
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