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Buy a Survival Multi-tool Knife

Multi-tool powerhouse-built with tough pliers, longer blades and easy-to-use locks. They’re lightweight, packable, and useful for everyday situations, as well as survival situations. However, there are about forty-thousand different types to chose from and each one boasting a different set of “essential” tools. Each claiming – of course – to be the undisputed best. If you are serious about self-reliability, then carrying a multi tool as part of your everyday carry (EDC) is one of the best habits you can get into. This is one of Leatherman’s more expensive survival multi tools, but also one of its best. The design mimics that of a pocket knife so you can actually access many of the tools even when the tool is in closed position. The superior locking mechanism isn’t just for safety – it means that you can actually exert full pressure on the tools without them giving and thus use the tool for bigger jobs. I also love that the multi tool has one-handed opening.
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