Carpet Cleaning Services Coventry
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Carpet Cleaning Services Coventry

Smart Price Carpets have given a much needed breath of life to my (used to be) hideous hallway carpet! Thank you. I don't think I will leave it quite so long before I use your services again! Backbreaking work. For you! Highly recommended for both quality of service and price.....Smart Price Carpet Cleaning have been offering value for money and affordable Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning for many years. We cover Coventry, Solihull, Nuneaton, Rugby, Leamington Spa & Surrounding Areas. ?Our success has gone from strength to strength over the years. We continually upgrade our equipment ensuring only the best possible service is always made available. Our Facebook Page of over 22,000 followers speaks volumes about our company. There is literally years worth of pictures, videos and comments. We also advertise for well known brands which helps us keep our pricing low. You can visit our Facebook Page here. Our Carpet Cleaning prices start from £40 for 1 room, which is our minimum charge. A whole house of up to 6 rooms can be cleaned for our Special Price of just £99. Sofa cleaning costs from £60.
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