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Children's Dentist in London (Richmond)

We are a unique paediatric dentist in London designed exclusively to give full play to the inquisitive, innocent and fun young minds of children aged 0-18. We are passionate and dedicated about providing the highest standard of paediatric dentistry and modern, state of the art treatments in the most child friendly, playful and relaxed atmosphere. Our professional individualised approach and our belief that each visit to the dentist should be fun, form the essence of our philosophy that drives us to develop the most positive and rewarding experiences to promote and reinforce optimal and long-term oral health. Part of an oral health assessment is teaching children how to look after their own teeth at home. You can read more about how we do this in the webpages below:     Toothbrushing school    Scale and polish    Fluoride treatment    Saliva testAll our dentists, hygienists and therapists are registered with the General Dental Council (GDC) so you can rest assured you are in safe hands with our team. Some cavities in children’s teeth are too large or too deep, and a simple filling will no longer be sufficiently effective. In these cases, a children’s crown can be used, which are pre-made and designed to cover the entire tooth. These crowns can be white or silver and they are pre-manufactured in different sizes and shapes and can be adjusted so they fit perfectly to your child’s tooth. The silver crowns are made of stainless steel and the white of zirconia ceramic. They are sufficiently enduring to typically last for the life of a baby’s (deciduous) tooth. A crown will protect the deciduous tooth and root, until it is naturally lost.
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