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Dental Implants in Mill Hill East

Rob Pittack has been successfully placing and restoring implants for over 33 years, with hundreds of happy patients treated from all over North London. Whether replacing one tooth, to a whole set of teeth or to fit implant retained dentures, he takes great care to make sure the treatment is exactly what the patient wants. Calm and caring approach In planning your treatment Rob gives you all the options and will make sure that you understand what is involved. He is very gentle and likes to work in a calm atmosphere with his excellent, caring support team. Rob not only enjoys the technical side of placing the implants but also the aesthetic aspect, making sure that the restoration looks just like your own teeth.Highly experienced Rob qualified at Manchester in 1986, carrying out his implant education in the UK and abroad culminating in an MSc in Restorative Dental Practice from London University. He has always felt that by continually keeping up to date his patients benefit from the latest evidence based implant treatments. Rob has lectured in the UK and abroad. He is on the editorial board of 'Implant Dentistry Today' and a mentor for the Association of Dental Implantology. He also places implants for a number of referring dentists who restore the implants once placed.
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