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ETIAS Official

Welcome to our online resource to help you get ready for ETIAS, the European Travel Information System going into effect January 1, 2021. ETIAS is the simple, stress-free solution for short term travel throughout the Schengen Zone, a group of 26 countries that eliminated internal border controls so travelers could move freely through Europe. Many of the Schengen Area countries are in the European Union (EU), and some are associate members, such as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Lichtenstein. All you need to apply is a valid passport and a completed ETIAS application. Because it's a visa waiver, you don't have to navigate through the complexity of applying for a Schengen European visa . Unlike a visa application, ETIAS doesn't require an interview at embassy or consulate. This alone can save you a significant amount of stateside travel and associated costs to get to the embassy or consulate nearest to you  -  giving you more time and money to spend when you actually travel to Europe.
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