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For those gamers who are looking for something more than just playing games, this is a great app. It is among the few gaming apps that you can earn money for engaging in your past time of playing games. Therefore, if you wish to make a few extra bucks, Mistplay can be just that platform for you. To start making some money, you need to download the Mistplay app from your Android’s app store, in a secure, free process. However, you will have to change a few things in your phone’s settings to enable Mistplay to function correctly. These changes include: Disable your phone’s mode of power-saving Allow the app to display above the other apps that are running after you have allowed these changes to take effect, now you can earn through the app. And, without making these changes, you will not make any points through this app. The reason behind this is that the app can’t be able to track your information on gaming experience without such permissions. Signing up for a new account will enable you to access the Mistplay games list and start earning. To sign up, you can do so either through your Gmail or Facebook account. After account activation, you can now browse your Mix list for available games and begin playing the video games. One thing to note, though is that, your location determines the games available for you.
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