registered breeder of Savannah kittens Las Vegas
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registered breeder of Savannah kittens Las Vegas

All Kittens are hand raised in exceptional conditions to ensure that their owners are not only obtaining a well trained kitten, but also a socialized kitten who will crave their owners attention, love, and affection.  Each kitten  has grown up around children and other cats and dogs so they are very well adjusted to people who have families and other animals. ? We love Savannah cats for their exotic look and incredible personality.  The Savannah cat  is an exquisite breed with long elegant legs, designer spots and stripes, long graceful necks, tall wild-like ears, and beautiful piercing eyes. We at Luxury Savannahs strive to keep this superior look within all of our breedings. ? We  call them "Luxury" cats because our kittens and cats are from a high quality and rare blood-line of PURE Savannahs that are large in size and physically enchanting. Savannah Cats are very charming creatures with a very affectionate, dedicated, and loving personality. We are very hands on with our breeding queens and their kittens so we can distinguish each kitten's personality traits and present each new owner with information (and lots of photos and videos) of their kitten's unique personality so they are ready and prepared for the incredible experience of owning their unique kitten!
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