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What’s in your CBD soaps?

At JustCBD, we are on a mission to be the top supplier of CBD products globally. In order to accomplish such a mighty feat, we strive to maintain our excellent reputation for selling top-notch hemp products. That is exactly why we only rely on domestic hemp grown right here in the United States. Not only have we formed trusting and close knit relationships with the farmers we work with, JustCBD confirms that our hemp is free of unwanted chemicals, such as the ones found in pesticides. Regardless of how hard we try, sometimes it’s just not possible to ship the same day. With the majority of our orders processed and sent out the same day, most of our shipments within the United States are received in three to five business days. Yet, there can always be an unpredictable delay. Have no fear, JustCBD’s professional customer service is just a phone call away if you ever run into an issue with your order or worried it hasn’t been shipped.
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